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    Christian Leadership: Principles & Practice

    Christian Leadership: Principles & Practice

    Regular price $23.00 CAD
    Regular price Sale price $23.00 CAD
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    Christian ministry is full of stresses, but one of the worst is working under incompetent leaders. Leading in ministry can be a tricky business, but with the right tools, it can be a blast! Most books on Christian leadership, however, seem to be Christianized management techniques straight out of corporate America or compendiums of eloquent exhortations on character and commitment. Dr. Smalling's book is the ultimate guidebook for Christian leaders, providing a winning combination of practicality and spirituality. In this book by Dr. Smalling a balance is struck between both extremes.

    Forget dry management techniques or endless moral lectures, this book is packed with just the right amount of wisdom, wit, and inspiration. Make leadership joyful again, and get ready to navigate the journey with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

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    Evangelise Croatia

    Imagine a land where the light of the gospel shines dimly with 4.2 million souls, yet only 150 protestant churches and a mere 7,000 Born Again Christians. Welcome to Croatia, a country steeped in religious tradition, yet still in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    But the road to Salvation is not always easy, as centuries of Catholic influence has left many resistant to the message of the Protestant church. I am on a mission to bring the light of the true Gospel to Croatia.

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    With every purchase you make, you support me in creating more bible resources, tracts and booklets. With 20% of my profits I cover the translation and printing costs of evangelistic material and outreach efforts throughout the Balkans. Currently I am serving in Croatia.