- God creates the universe, sky, sea, land, plants, animals, and humans in 6 days and rests on the 7th.
- God forms man from the dust of the ground and breathes life into him. He places him in the Garden of Eden to work and care for it.
- The serpent tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit which leads to the fall of man, and God curses the serpent, man, and woman.
- Cain kills Abel and is punished by God.
- Genealogy from Adam to Noah.
- God sees the wickedness of man and decides to flood the earth, but saves Noah and his family on an ark.
- The flood begins and lasts for 40 days and nights. The ark comes to rest on a mountain.
- The flood waters recede and God makes a covenant with Noah never to destroy the earth by flood again.
- God establishes the rainbow as a symbol of his promise.
- Genealogy from Noah to Abram (later known as Abraham).
- The people of the earth speak one language, they build a tower to reach heaven, but God confuses their language and they scatter.
- God calls Abram to leave his home and travel to a new land.
- Abram and Lot separate to avoid conflict over land.
- Abram rescues Lot from captivity and is blessed by Melchizedek.
- God promises Abram many descendants and land.
- Sarai (later known as Sarah) gives Abram a son, Ishmael, through her maid Hagar.
- God changes Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah, reiterates his promise of descendants and land.
- Three visitors, who are later revealed as angels, visit Abraham and Sarah and tell them they will have a son.
- Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife turns into a pillar of salt.
- Abraham lies about Sarah being his sister to save himself, Abimelech, king of Gerar, takes Sarah as a wife but God intervenes.
- Isaac is born to Abraham and Sarah; Hagar and Ishmael are sent away.
- God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test of his faith.
- Sarah dies and Abraham purchases a burial plot for her in Hebron.
- Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac among his own people.
- Genealogy from Abraham to Esau and Jacob.
- Isaac and Rebekah have twins, Esau and Jacob.
- Jacob steals his brother Esau's blessing and birthright with the help of his mother Rebekah.
- Jacob leaves home and has a vision of a ladder to heaven.
- Jacob works for Laban to marry his daughter Rachel.
- Jacob has children with Leah and Rachel and serves Laban for 20 years before returning home
- Esau and Jacob reconcile and Isaac blesses Jacob before his death.
- Jacob wrestles with an angel and is renamed Israel.
- Jacob reunites with Esau and makes peace.
- Dinah and the rape and revenge.
- Genealogy of Esau, Jacob's family and deaths of Isaac and Ishmael.
- Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers and falsely accused of sexual assault.
- Joseph interprets dreams in prison and becomes an advisor to the Pharaoh.
- Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers and forgives them.
- Joseph's family move to Egypt and settle in the land of Goshen
- Joseph interprets the Pharaoh's dreams and is appointed governor of Egypt.
- Joseph stockpiles grain during the 7 years of plenty and saves Egypt and surrounding countries during 7 years of famine
- Joseph's brothers come to Egypt to buy grain and he reveals himself to them, they reconcile.
- Joseph's family, including Jacob, move to Egypt and settle in the land of Goshen.
- Joseph assures his brothers that he will provide for them and their families in Egypt.
- Joseph reveals himself to his father Jacob before his death.
- Jacob blesses his sons and gives them each a prophecy before his death.
- Joseph's brothers fear that he will seek revenge, but he assures them that he forgives them.
- Joseph dies and asks to be buried in the land of Canaan.
- Jacob's descendants swear to carry his remains to Canaan for burial.
- The death of Joseph and the end of the book of Genesis.